Roll Your Own Adventure

The album art for the podcast; it depicts a cartoonish-looking map of a continent with the following graphics in the corners over the surrounding ocean; a twenty-sided die, a magical artefact and tentacles emerging from the waves. The text in the ce…

A tabletop storytelling podcast with a healthy dose of audience interaction

Submit items, spells, dice rolls or word games – and help decide the fate of the party

Recent Episodes

Follow us on our quest 🏔


How do I tell you folks what to do?

Submit an audience interaction item! Contribute to the audience dice roll, add a spell to the party’s inventory, give us a magic word, or contribute a magical item that players can draw in their times of greatest need. Or add in-game fiction to the noticeboard!

If we use your contribution we’ll credit you in-episode.

Do I need to know how to play D&D to listen?

We didn’t at the start, so you shouldn’t have to either! We have interludes explaining the mechanics of the game throughout the first few episodes – so whether you’re new or just need a refresher on the rules, we’ve got you covered.

How often do you release episodes?

We post new episodes every third Tuesday (AEST) – subscribe wherever you get podcasts to get notified when new episodes land, and follow us on Twitter and Instagram to see them in your newsfeed!

A cartoonish twenty-sided die with a question mark on the top side.

Add your ideas to the show!

Submit items, spells and more!

Big Book of Words

Pester us